It's time to pack up the Christmas and Holiday decorations, get organized and live in a less cluttered environment. While you are putting away your decorations, consider going through them and culling out the ones that you haven't used or put out in a few years.
If your house was on the market during the holidays, this is an excellent time to start packing for your move. Go through and ask yourself if you have used them over the last few years and if not, get rid of them to show off the "great storage" space that your home has to offer a potential buyer.
Donate decorations to local charities so that others may enjoy them over the next years. If you have been saving your adult children's "special" ornaments over the years, it's time to let them have the decorations for their homes and families.
My sister, who is great at cleaning out her closets, basement and such, suggest creating a memory box. Each member only gets one box and once your box is full, you have to get rid of something before you can add anymore "memories".
So, push up your sleeves and get in there and start organizing and de-cluttering. You'll be so proud of yourself when you see how much easier it is to get to the decorations next year.
Talk later,
P.S. Why is it so hard to get motivated to un-decorate the house for the Holidays than it is to decorate it?