A couple friends of ours are always having a gathering of sorts, that usually has a theme name and some décor and the same but diversified group of guests. We always enjoy our time with them and most of their friends, but you know how it is… you usually stand around and talk with the same people that you talked with at the last party and usually don’t find out anything new or get to know anyone else.
Well, all that stopped last night! We were invited to “A Soup Contest”. The theme being self explanatory, approximately 10 of the guest prepared and entered a crock pot full of soup with any condiments that may need to be added. Our host set out disposable shot glasses and all guests were to sample the soups and vote for their top 2 favorites. Every guest was asked to contribute to $5.00 to a pot for the winners. This was great fun and a wonderful way for us to interact with guests that we may not have, at a regular party. You could start a conversation by comparing the soups and talking about ingredients and then introducing yourself was only natural. I met several new acquaintances that I might not have gotten to know other wise.
I said all of that to get to this point. We all need to shake it up a little and do something different in order to receive different results. If we keep on going through life the same way, we can expect the same results. This can apply to our personal life or business life.
I met a future business client as well as some great new friends and learned a good lesson about life.
So…. shake it up baby!